The Cat and the Coup is a puzzle video game by Peter Brinson and Kurosh ValaNejad that follows the life of Mohammed Mossadegh, a Prime Minister of Iran overthrown by a CIA and MI6 coup in the 1950s. The game was recently released on Steam, and it is available for both PC and Mac. Players will have to use a cat to help them in solving puzzles and uncover the secrets of his past and current government.
The Cat and the Coup is a free documentary game. It is an interactive hagiography of Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran. In 1953, the CIA orchestrated a coup against the Iranian government, causing him to lose his post and all of his personal possessions. The game challenges players to coax the former Prime Minister through the different stages of his life while discovering the truth behind his demise.
Aside from its fascinating historical content, the game has a very interesting and playable design. In The Cat and the Coup, players take the role of the cat of Iran's first democratically elected prime minister, Dr. Mohammed Mossadeghdel. In this way, the game encourages gamers to think about the role of cats in contemporary politics. Ultimately, The Dog and the Coup will provoke you to think about the role of cats in society.